How to Carve Out a Winning Instagram Marketing Campaign 37

Instagram has been widely favored as a platform of choice by marketers because of its distinctive demographics, it’s high number of monthly active users, and its level of engagement that is much superior to the rest of the social media networks. While plenty of businesses have chalked out their Instagram marketing strategies, there are lots of others that are still to figure out how they should progress to develop a marketing strategy that will give them an edge. Some practical and effective tips:

Launch the Marketing Campaign at the Right Time

Your Instagram marketing campaign should perfectly align with the business’s larger objectives and goals. Unless you can launch your Instagram marketing campaign at a time when users are going to be really receptive to your posts, your campaign may just fall flat and return a negative ROI. Typically, a good time to kick off your Instagram campaign is when the business is going to make a new product launch or make a very important announcement.

Set Campaign Objectives That Are Clearly Defined and Measurable

To know whether your marketing campaign is successful, you need to first define what you are intending to achieve. It is only when that your goals can be measured objectively, that you will know if you are succeeding or not. It can be very difficult, if not impossible, to prioritize improvements in your campaign unless you have defined very specific goals to start off with. When you know where you have to reach, you can tweak the process to achieve it in the quickest possible time. Also, clear measurable campaign parameters like the number of real Instagram likes give everyone associated with the business a tangible goal to aspire to.

Obtain Target Audience Feedback to Devise and Improve Your Campaign

As with all marketing campaigns, a large part of the success lies in how much you have been able to understand what your customer wants and what his aspirations are. Even though you may have a very good product or service, you will be able to achieve real marketing success only if you take the trouble of talking to your potential customers to find out what they are looking to get. Also, eliciting feedback from customers of competitors can tell you where the market gaps are that can be addressed by you.

Test Various Types of Content for Campaign Optimization

The format in which the content is delivered to users is critical for ensuring a high level of engagement. Without assuming that users like something more than anything else, it can be more productive to test out which type of content is liked better by users. Since Instagram offers various formats like photos, videos, carousel, Stories as well as Live Video, you can give your marketing campaign a bigger momentum by choosing the right format mix.


For your Instagram marketing campaign to have the maximum impact, you should know the best time to launch it, set measurable campaign objectives, obtain user feedback as well as select the most appropriate mix of content format.

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