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15 of the Best Kept Digital Marketing Secrets 8

Digital marketing is the gateway to the marketing world and real face of this digital world. The phenomenon of digital marketing is becoming more and more popular with the passage of every day as it includes all the tools of marketing from advanced local seo services for small businesses to UX web design. But there are a lot of secrets still needed to unfold and discover by the professionals. Marketing trends are changing rapidly and pushing the boundaries. If you want to become successful and want to go to distance as the digital marketer, you need to know the following secrets of the digital marketing.

Visual analytics

One of the most effective and best kept secret tools of digital marketing is visual analytics. Visual analytics tool has helped countless organizations to perform well when it comes to the marketing. Visual analytics provide you the virtual analysis, it allows you to monitor where the user leaves, where the user has lost his interest and what are limitations of your business.

Instagram Stories:

Instagarm is considered the more sophisticated place as compare to other apps. A large number of people have started to use Instagram, earlier this year Instagram has introduced the revolutionary feature called stories. If you are a digital marketer or a business organization, share your stories on Instagram and attract the millions of people.

Facebook Live:

Different organizations have conducted the multiple surveys. According to Cisco Forecast a well-known organization “69% of the data traffic is coming through the video in 2017”. In 2018 these numbers will cross the 80%. Facebook has capitalized on these statistics and launched the facebook live app feature for online video interaction. A lot of business organizations and famous celebrities, around the globe are using this feature to spread their message. If you have yet to use facebook live app, then start using it right now. It will connect you to the whole world.

Marketing Though Pinterest:

Another best-kept secret tool of digital marketing is Pinterest. Many business organizations and people are using this glamorous platform. Many business organizations are using this image-based site to generate high traffic. If you are new to digital marketing, then start using the image based marketing techniques. Pinterest can be the real competitive advantage for your business.

Approaching Influencer:

Influencers are social media pros who used blog posts and creates viral stories, in order to increase the followers. They enjoy the huge fan following on social media. Influencer marketing is becoming more and more popular, this is the process where business organizations get in touch with influencers and ask them to generate online traffic for the products. If you are not using influencer marketing tactics, then start using it right now.

Content Marketing Paired with Local SEO:

Content is the king no matter what, you can never underestimate the importance of content paired with good local SEO techniques. Come up with precise, accurate, stand out and eye-catching content and witness the changes in your fortunes. A worthy product and services description can earn the customer’s loyalty. So hire a creative writer for your business who is well-versed in local SEO.

Video Marketing:

Another effective tool of digital marketing is to introduce your brand to your consumers, through video. There are multiple platforms where you can reach out to your customers through the video message. Create an interesting video campaign and upload your campaign on snap chat, Instagram, you tube, facebook, and twitter.


Infograpihcs are nothing but a catalysts of success, most people have the natural interest for pictures. Apart from that, pictures can have the everlasting impact on people’s mind. Pictures can make your content more effective, proficient and more shareable. Infograpihcs have increased the engagement ratio up to 300%, which is beyond epic. So stop beating around the bush and go for Infograpihcs.

Email Marketing:


It may seem naive, but email marketing still has a role to play in this digital age. The majority of people don’t have the time to pay attention to detail when it comes to social media. In order to attract those people, email is the absolute choice. You can create an emotional and interesting newsletter about your business and share it with people. Remember, email marketing is one of the most powerful tools of digital marketing.

Web design and Development:

Digital marketing is all about online marketing. So if you don’t have the online identity you are doomed. That’s why a user-friendly website is must for the success. Hire a professional designer and web developer. Create a website that is not only user-friendly but also responsive to mobiles and tabs also.

Hiring Media Advertisement Agencies:

There are lots of media agencies who are proficient in digital marketing and can be the biggest competitive advantage. So do not try to be a jack of all trades and hire the media agency. People are unaware of the fact that these media agencies have equipped themselves with the latest technology. Media agencies have all the experts of their disposal, who can perform the digital marketing on your behalf.

SEO Optimization:

S.E.O optimization is another secret and important component of digital marketing. Hire an experienced S.E.O professional. The search engine optimization will not only increase your brand’s ranking and visibility on Google. SEO will build strong and credible links those will not flag away.

Logo Designing:

Logo designing is another secret weapon, the logo represents the slogan of your business. When you talk about digital marketing, you talk about the presence of your brand on social media and on digital media platforms. Simply the logo is your brand’s presence on these forums.

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing is a most powerful tool of digital marketing, which enables a business organization to leave their mark on all the possible social media websites. That’s why every business, no matter how big or small should pay attention to social media marketing.

Television Ads:

Digital media is not all about social media, TV is also part of digital media. So you must hire an advertising agency to create and run ads for your business on TV.