5 Must Have Features For The Taxi Booking App 13

The features of an app matter a lot. Especially while the app is providing its services in any of the on-demand business domain. It becomes crucial for the app owner to select the features of the online taxi app business. There are some core features that cannot be neglected anyhow while shifting of switching the taxi business to online.

Why is it so important to focus on only a few features more as compare to the other unique ones? There can be an argument that unique features give an exponential lift to any kind of business. But the reality is, such unique features wouldn’t be able to work efficiently without the core features. Core features are like the heart of on-demand services and without them, the service would be considered as an incomplete service.

Inclusive Real-Time Tracking

As the core features are the heart of any on-demand service app, just the way, the real-time tracking is the heart of all the features. This feature is the inspirer for the invention of on-demand technology. So the on-demand service app would be an incomplete one without real-time tracking. One more thing you need to know is, most of the features are indirectly related to the real-time tracking feature. So it would be must to include real-time tracking as a part of offered features. It is not surprising that real-time tracking is among one of the highest demanded features.

Advanced Fare Estimation

Fare estimation is another highly demanded feature for the taxi app services. The feature of fare estimation calculates the fare for the desired ride prior the booking. The fare calculations should be transparent so that the riders can have faith in it and would prefer your taxi service every time whenever they have the need for the same. The accurate fare calculation would improve the work efficacy and satisfy the riders with their presented needs. The calculation of the fare for a particular distance can be set as per the business policies of your taxi app business.

Seamless Sign Up

The procedure for registration with the app should be as easy as possible. No long forms are going to work for registration. Such a step would encourage the users to jump on any other app providing similar services. That is why the easy registration should be more focused for your uber clones. As far as the feature is a concern, the social login and sign up is an ideal option to provide. With just a single click the rider would be able to sign up with the app and whenever they would need to login into the app, a click on social media icon would do it.

Multiple Payment Facility

The rider should be never bound with a single method of payment neither should force to do so. They should be provided with the flexibility to choose the most convenient way of payment. The two possibilities to provide them are online and offline payments. The offline payment would be done in cash once after the completion of the ride. The online payment facility might be stuffed with various ways to serve the preference. Credit or debit card payments is one of the option to offer while paying from popular e-wallet also should be included in your taxi app.

Scheduled Booking Facility

The riders should be able to schedule the riders from the app. It should be their choice whether they want to ride now or later. If they are willing to schedule a ride for future, the app should be offering enough functionality to enable them to do so. Once the rider clicks on the scheduled ride option button, there should be the facility from where they can enter the date and time for which they need the ride. They should be facilitated to book the rides for the next hour, next day, next week and even for next month.

Last Few Words

Lastly, after knowing the core features that are must include in an online taxi app still neglecting it would be a fatal decision for the business. The investment for the new initiative would turn into a huge loss. Being a startup or an entrepreneur, anyone wouldn’t want to face such a situation. That is why it becomes important to focus on the core features more as compare to including more and more unique features in the app.

Instead of focusing on making your taxi app full of features, it is always better to make it a feature-rich app. Some sort of support would make it more easy for you. The support that you can get maybe from taxi app development firm that has experience of years in this domain. They can help you with getting the perfect feature-rich app along with all the desired features of yours that you want in your taxi app.

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